Mixed Bouquet

This explosion of sunshine is a joyful and exuberant bouquet that will brighten up the room of anyone lucky enough to receive it. The Mixed Bouquet features bright yellow gerberas picked at the peak of freshness, and creamy white Asiatic lilies, all artistically hand-wrapped in gorgeous paper with ribbon. Delivered to the very door of your recipient.

Please note that some buds may be sent closed. This...
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Mixed Bouquet Flowers
This explosion of sunshine is a joyful and exuberant bouquet that will brighten up the room of anyone lucky enough to receive it. The Mixed Bouquet features bright yellow gerberas picked at the peak of freshness, and creamy white Asiatic lilies, all artistically hand-wrapped in gorgeous paper with ribbon. Delivered to the very door of your recipient. Please note that some buds may be sent closed. This protects the flowers during transit and increases their vase life, ensuring your flowers will arrive in pristine condition.
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